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Omslagsbild för Doomsday Eve
Isbn: 978-91-7605-110-8
Förlag: Anncona Media
Romaner Fantasy & SF Engelskspråkiga
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2019
Uppläsare: Mark Nelson
Length: 4 timmar 32 minuter


Doomsday Eve

Doomsday Eve is a science fiction novel by American writer Robert Moore Williams.


In the midst of the war—that terrible conflict that threatened humanity's total destruction—the "new people" suddenly appeared. Quietly performing incredible deeds, vanishing at will, they were an enigma to both sides. Kurt Zen was an American intelligence officer among the many sent to root them out.  

He found them. Taken captive in their hidden lair, he waited as the enemy prepared to launch the super missile, the bomb to end all bombs—and all life.  

If only he could find the source of the new people's power, Kurt alone might be able to prevent obliteration of the Earth.... 

Doomsday Eve was first published in 1957. Audiobook read by Mark Nelson, running time 4 hours, 32 min. Unabridged full version. Also available as E-Book, ePUB, length 41,400 words, average reading time 3 hours 30 min.

Robert Moore Williams (1907–1977) was an American writer, primarily of science fiction. Pseudonyms included John S Browning, H. H. Hermon, Russell Storm and E. K. Jarvis.

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